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Warsaw Tango Meeting, Jonathan Saavedra and Clarisa Aragon

15-17 października 2021
Jonathan Saavedra i Clarisa Aragon w Warszawie 

Warsztaty, pokazy, milongi
Register at: https://forms.gle/VA7p7q1DRm89do7e6
15 October, Friday
Workshops :
18.00 — 19.30 Workshop 1:
Tango: Improving our lead and following. How to give different intentions to create different sensations in my partner.
Place of workshops: Plac Defilad 1 (Milonga Warszawska)
MILONGA : 21.00 – 2.00
DJ Jonathan Saavedra (Argentina)
Price: 50 zł
Place of milonga: Plac Defilad 1 (Milonga Warszawska)
16 October, Saturday
Workshops :
12.00 — 13.30 Workshop 2:
Circular movements! Tips to understand how to “help” each other during the turns to find a constant movement!
13.45 — 15.15 Workshop 3:
Change of dynamics! Why change dynamics? How? The begging of the beautiful way of musicality!
15.30 – 17.00 Workshop 4 (Women solo):
Individual technique for women
Place of workshops: Plac Defilad 1 (Milonga Warszawska)
MILONGA : 21.00 – 2.00
DJ Andres Vilks (Latvia)
Performance: Jonathan Saavedra and Clarisa Aragon,
Nazar Mikhalyk and Maria Kraft
Place of milonga: Millenium Plaza st. Al. Jerozolimskie 123
Price: 90 zł
17 October, Sunday
13.30 — 15.00 Workshop 5
Sacadas! Originals combinations of complex sacadas for both roles
15.15 — 16.45 Workshop 6
Musicality BEYOND THE BEATS. The intensities of the music and how to interpret it to looking for a sensitive dance!
Place of workshops: Plac Defilad 1 (Milonga Warszawska)
MILONGA: 19.00 – 23.00
DJ Davor Perhaj (Crotia)
Price: 50 zł
Place of workshops: Plac Defilad 1 (Milonga Warszawska)
All you need to know in a nutshell:
Join the Facebook Group and be up to date! https://www.facebook.com/groups/332736820516100
Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/tangoschoolelnavegador