Milonga – kurs tematyczny
Kurs tematyczny MILONGA – Start 6 września! Zapraszamy na regularny kurs tematyczny poświęcony milondze – tańcu tak szybkiemu, jak wesołemu. Zaczniemy od aspektów technicznych, pobawimy się rytmem, spróbujemy obrotów na małej przestrzeni. Zajęcia będą odbywały się w czwartki o godzinie 20:30. Start: 6 września 2018r. Kiedy: czwartki Godziny: 20:30 – 21:45 Poziom: początkujący plus Cena: 140 zł - karnet na 4 lekcje do wykorzystania w ciągu 30 dni lub karnet OPEN [eltdf_button size="medium" type="" text="Zapisy" custom_class="" icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="" link="/zapisy/" target="_self" color="" hover_color="" background_color="" hover_background_color="" border_color="" hover_border_color="" font_size="" font_weight="" margin=""]
We invite you to the Argentinean School of El Navegador for regular advanced group classes. The course is designed for people who have a minimum of one year of regular tango education (no less than 2 times a week) Start: 2 January 2019 When: Wednesdays Hours: from 19.30 to 20:40 *** The recordings of the solo and in pairs take place via the form–*** Location: School of Tanga El Navegador in Warsaw: Nowy Świat 22 lok. 4 Join us! [eltdf_button size="medium" type="" text="Zapisy" custom_class="" icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="" link="/zapisy/" target="_self" color="" hover_color="" background_color="" hover_background_color="" border_color="" hover_border_color="" font_size=""
Do you want to try what Argentine tango tastes like? Discover a new passion in yourself? Learn the basics in just 1 day? We invite you to the introductory workshops, after which you will be able to continue your education in beginner group A On the accelerated course, you will get acquainted with the basic elements of Argentine tango, the principles of leading / following, the walk technique. When: 6th July 2023 Hours: 18:30 - 22:00 (including short tea breaks) Price: 190 PLN per person Join us! [eltdf_button size="medium" type="" text="Zapisy" custom_class="" icon_pack="font_awesome" fa_icon="" link="/zapisy/" target="_self"
Special Courses
In addition to regular classes at various levels, we also run special courses. Here you will find information about recent special courses or those that we are planning in the near future. We consider every given topic deeply starting from the basics and ending with complex sequences. The main purpose of these classes is to expand your knowledge in specific, narrow areas that interest you. Thematic workshops are for you if
If tango is your true love or you do not know it yet - come and see! We recommend these lessons to anyone who wants to feel tango in their body. We will focus on attitude, proper walking and turnover - the result will be fuller freedom and satisfaction while dancing. These will not be easy classes, but with each subsequent week your pivot will be several degrees higher! If you want to get a good sense of balance, feel more confident in your movements and understand their mechanics,
Kurs tematyczny „BOLEOS”
Kurs tematyczny „BOLEOS” – Start 14 Stycznia 2019! Serdecznie zapraszamy na kurs tematyczny „BOLEOS” Kurs – 8 zajęć, w poniedziałeki o godz. 20.45 Na tym kursie skupimy się na odczarowaniu tajemniczego boleos. Czym jest boleo? Jaka jest technika prowadzenia i podążania w tym ozdobniku? W jaki sposób wykorzystać boleo, aby uatrakcyjnić swój taniec? W jaki sposób wpleść boleo, aby zaakcentować muzykę? Zdradzimy również tajniki dla kobiet: W jaki sposób zrobić pięknie wyglądające boleo? W jaki sposób dać się poprowadzić na boleo partnerowi? Nie zabraknie oczywiście złożonych sekwencji, w których w praktyce będzie
Kurs tanga dla poczatkujacych
The Tango course for beginners (group A1) includes a total of 8 classes-we will meet once a week. It will teach you the basic elements of Argentine tango, and above all: contact in couple (lead/follow), techniques of walking and turns, and basic figures. At the end of the course you will be able to continue your studies in Group B Group 1: Monday at 20: 50 or group 2: Wednesday at 18:10 Price: the whole course in advance 430 zł for 8 lessons / 1 person [eltdf_button size="medium" type="" text="Zapisy" custom_class="" icon_pack="font_awesome"
Beginner level “plus” – group B
The group is intended for people who have completed a course at the beginner level (A). It lasts from 2 to 4 months and is a continuation of the basic theme. Includes, among others raising the awareness of one's body - balance, dissociation, and musicality. You will learn new elements, such as sacada and bloqueo. After completing the course you will be able to continue learning in group C - intermediate. Start: When: Hours: Place: ul. Nowy Świat 22 lok. 4 ***Registration –*** Aby być na bieżąco zachęcamy do śledzenia naszych wydarzeń
Welcome to the School of Argentinean Tango - El Navegador for an intensive intermediate course - Group C. The course is designed for people who have a minimum of 6 months of regular tango classes (not less than 2 times a week). It is a continuation of the topics realized during the classes in the group beginner “plus” B, but we also recommend it to dancers who know the basics and would like to raise the level of their skills. It includes improving walking and embrace techniques, deepening techniques